Quality Assurance for Inline XBRL Accounts

SureFile News

Website make-over

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SureFile launched more than 12 years ago now, with a website design that reflected the screen sizes and web page styles of the time. Since then, website design has moved on, so we thought it was about time we brought SureFile up to date.

Our new design, which we switched over to today, is cleaner, more modern-looking, and responsive - which means it looks and behaves so much better on mobile devices. In addition, all the information that a new visitor might want to know is on a single scrolling home page.

However, the pages that are important to subscribers are still in the same place and still provide the same features as before, albeit a little more slickly. We still recommend a screen width in excess of 1000 pixels to work comfortably with accounts, assurance reports and the submission history list, but navigation and layout are now more "mobile-friendly".

We hope you like the new look!

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